Preparing for a SciChat on Google Hangouts
Open a Google Chrome browser
Once logged into your Google account, select the Google Hangout icon from the menu
The teacher will request to add you to their contacts using the email address you provided in the confirmation email allowing you to connect on Google Hangouts
To access your pending invitations, click on the menu near the top of the screen
Click on Invites and accept the teacher’s invitation
To prepare either for the connection test or the SciChat, open Google Hangouts at the agreed upon time and send “Ready to begin” in a chat message
The teacher will initiate the video call
Click the accept icon, confirm that you have allowed Google hangouts to connect to the webcam and computer mic
Confirm that both parties can hear and see each other
The teacher will begin session by introducing you to the students and then you will begin your presentation
If you are okay with students asking questions during the presentation, preface this at the beginning of the session
For the Q&A portion of the chat, students will need to go up to the computer so you can hear and see them
Teachers will facilitate student questions based on their own classroom management strategies
Some teachers chose to call on raised hands and have students walk up to the computer for the Q&A session, others choose to have students write down their questions and either a designated student or the teacher will read the questions
Shortly before the end of the session at the agreed up time, the teacher will ask for any final thoughts or questions from both you and students
Everyone says their goodbyes
To end the call, click the red phone icon near the bottom of the call window
Click here to visit the Google Hangout Help Center if you have additional questions